CRC lectures Series
A college research colonial has been founded to give exposure to the teachers from various fields to most up-to-date interdisciplinary research methods and courses.
1 | Dr. Rajesh Koner | 2 | Sri Laki Molla (Jt. Convener) |
3 | Dr. Ushri Roy (Jt. Convener) | 4 | Dr. Aftabuddin Ahammad |
⇒ Click here to view List of CRC Lceture for Academic year 2023-2024
COLLEGE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM (CRC) Lectures Previous and Current Academic Session
45 | 10th October, 2023 | Mr. Sourav Ghosh | Faculty, Department of Electronic Science | Rare earth elements such as Europium and Samarium incorporated glasses and their applications in manufacturing optoelectronic devices |
44 | 26th September, 2023 | Dr. Pritam Roy | Assistant Professor, Incharge, Department of Botany | Soil microorganisms, function and their role in soil fertility |
43 | 22nd August, 2023 | Dr. Arnab Ghosal | Assistant Professor, Department of Sanskrit | Controlling of Mind according to Upanishad উপিনষেদর আলেক মেনর িনয়ণ্ত্র্ণ |
42 | 25th July, 2023 | Dr. Prasenjit Biswas, | Associate Professor, Department of History, B.G.C | CASTE DYNAMICS AND POLITICS IN COLONIAL INDIA |
41 | 14th July , 2023 | Dr. Sanjit Kumar Das | Associate Professor, Department of Commerce | Detective Characters in Bengali Literature |
40 | 27th June 2023 | Dr. Shubhendu Dhara | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, BGC | CO2 Fixation to Small Organic Molecules |
39 | 13th June 2023 | Dr. Masoom Hasan Ansari | Faculty, Dept. Of Urdu | Urdu Poetry in Twenty First Century Bengal |
38 | 30th May 2023 | Mr. Shirsendu Sarkar | Assistant Professor, Physics [In-charge] | Mueller imaging of blood cells”. |
37 | 10th May 2023 | Dr. Mita Howladar | Assistant Professor Department of Education, Jadavpur University | Assimilation of science , peace , values , meditation and mindfulness as a means of physical and mental well-being |
36 | 2nd May 2023 | Ms. Monisha Hembram, | Assistant Professor, Department of Geography | Solid Waste Management |
35 | 17th January 2023 | Sri Nilanjan Dutta | Faculty, Department of Journalism and mass communication | Biswa Sangbad o Sangbad Sanstha |
34 | 26th November 2022 | Shahzadi | Faculty, Department of Urdu | Afsana “Kafan” Ki roshni me Munshi Premchand ki afsana nigari”. |
33 | 26th september 2022 | Dr. Bani Bhattacharyya | Associate Professor, Department of Sanskrit | নবজাগরেণর পুেরাধা |
32 | 21st September, 2022 | Dr. Swagata Dey | Faculty, Department of Electronic Science | Current Trends in Photonic Devices: physics, characterization & realization |
31 | 6th September 2022 | Md. Taiyab Nuamani Faculty | Faculty , Department of Urdu | A Critical Analysis of Urdu literature in Bangladesh after 1971. |
30 | 22nd July 2022 | Dr. Santanu Chakraborty | Assistant Professor, Economics | COVID-19 & Sustenance : Micro foundations of Success |
29 | 25th June 2022 | Dr. Ushri Roy | Assistant Professor, Botany | Plant Strategy to survive |
28 | 27th May 2022 | Dr. Surajit Sengupta, | Assistant Professor & In-charge DEPT. OF COMMERCE | Financial Literacy in India |
27 | 6th May 2022 | Dr. Sukla Kisku | Assistant Professor Department of English | Dead Men Do Tell Tales: Revisiting the Bog Bodies through Heaney |
26 | 7Th April 2022 | Dr. Ranjabati Dey | Faculty, Journalism and Mass Communication | Radio popularization : The untold stories of women participation in Akashvani Kolkata |
25 | 11th March 2022 | Dr. Biswajit Panda | Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry City College, Kolkata | Happiness through the Eye of a Chemist |
24 | 12TH FEBRUARY 2022 | Sri Souvik Chakraborty | Department of Physiology, Bhairab Ganguly College | Tracking the course of Neurodegenerative disease – from in-silico gene expression analysis to in-silico drug repurposing and design.”. |
23 |
21ST JANUARY 2022 | Sri Jhantu Saha | Department of Sociology, Bhairab Ganguly College | Cultural lag. |
22 | 24TH DECEMBER 2021 | Dr.Masoom Hasan Ansari | Dept. Of Urdu, Bhairab Ganguly College | A critical study of “INDIANISM” in Urdu Ghazal. |
21 | 3RD DECEMBER 2021 | Smt. Arpita Roychowdhury | Department of English ,Bhairab Ganguly College | Rebel Tiger female: Opreesor or Opressed: A Look into Sri Lankan novelists Nayomi Minaweera and Nihal de Silva |
20 | 12TH NOVEMBER 2021 | Dr Neepa Banerjee | Department ofNutrition , Bhairab Ganguly College | Physical Exercise and Balanced Diet for Healthy Body and Mind |
19 | 8TH OCTOBER 2021 | Dr. Debabrata Bhadra | Department of Physics, Bhairab Ganguly College | Biological waste derived nanofibrous membranes for Water Treatment: Recent Advances and Developments |
18 | 10TH SEPTEMBER 2021 | Dr. Subharthi Pal | Department of Zoology, Bhairab Ganguly College | Basics of Fish immunology and disease pathology |
17 | 13TH AUGUST 2021 | Sri Manidip Chakraborty | Department of English, Bhairab Ganguly College | TheHomeBecomingtheWorld: The Post-Lockdown Adjustments in the Academic World |
16 | 23RD JULY 2021 | Zakeeyah Shahnaz | Political science, Bhairab Ganguly College | Muslim women for reforms in Muslim minority states: cases from India and USA |
15 | 11TH NOVEMBER 2020 | SuklaKisku | Department of English, Assistant Professor, BhairabGanguly College | Who is Critic? |
14 | 9TH DECEMBER 2019 | Manidip Chakraborty | Department of English, Assistant Professor, BhairabGanguly College | Trolling: A Subversive Expression of Power |
13 | 22TH NOVEMBER 2019 | Tathagata Bhattacharyya | Department of Zoology, Assistant Professor, BhairabGanguly College | A valuable insect, an unusual host plant and a killer fungus |
12 | 13TH SEPTEMBER 2019 | Sri Rezaul Islam | Assistant Professor in Bengal | A special talk on ‘j¢õL¡ pe…ç – Hl Q¡M e¡l£ Qae¡’ |
11 | 1ST MARCH 2019 | One day seminar on Food Mood, Food habit | Life Style : Its relation to oncology | |
10 | 7TH MAY 2018 | Rupa Sanyal Show | Professor, Part-Time Teacher in Botany | A talk entitled ‘Learning by retrieving inherited knowledge of traditional practitioner on medicinal plants – is the any link to the discover of drug? |
9 | 8TH SEPTEMBER 2017 | Tapas Mukherjee, Associate Professor in Physics | Vice- President J.P.Morgan Chase’s New Jersey, U.S.A | Special talk entitled: ‘A simplistic description of modern collision process using quantum mechanical close coupling methods’ |
8 | 16TH AUGUST 2017 | Sri Mitadru Dey | Vice- President J.P.Morgan Chase’s New Jersey, U.S.A | Career Guidance – Alternative Opportunities |
7 | 13TH MAY 2017 | Dr. Santanu Chakraborty | Department of Economics, Assistant professor, Bhairab Ganguly College | Credit & Livelihood: The Question of Inclusion |
6 | Sri Arnab Ghosal | Department of Sanskrit, Assistant professor, Bhairab Ganguly College | “Who am I?” (Ami ke : Vedanter drishtite ekta bichar) | |
5 | 17TH APRIL 2017 | Dr. Rumdeep Kaur Grewal | Department of Botany, Assistant professor, Bhairab Ganguly College | How Brain Learns? |
4 | 16TH APRIL 2017 | Sanjuti Banerjee | Professor, Contractual Whole Time Teacher in Botany | Special talk entitled ‘Twins – not a miracle’ |
3 | 10TH APRIL 2017 | Sri Sagar Das | Department of Bengali, Assistant professor, Bhairab Ganguly College | Swadhinota amar Swadhinota-1971 |
2 | 27TH MARCH 2017 | Dr. Teesta Dey | Department of Geography, CWTT, Bhairab Ganguly College | Where are we going? A Tale of Transport Maladies in Kolkata |
1 | 21TH FEBRUARY 2017 | Dr. Masoom Hasan Ansari | Department of Urdu, CWTT | A Critical Study of Ghalib as a Poet |