Bhairab Ganguly College

Bhairab Ganguly College

  • Reaccredited
    NAAC Grade A+
  • Affiliated to
    W.B. State Univ.
  • Govt.
  • AISHE Code

Major Minor Research Projects

Major Minor Research Projects

The college ensures an environment which facilitates high quality research, thereby fostering an ambience conducive to critical enquiry, research and collaboration. Research endeavours are actively pursued by the faculty of the various departments.

UGC funded Minor Research Projects (2016):

  • PI: Dr. Debabrata Bhadra, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics.
    “Designing of ferroelectric polymer nanocomposites containing surface functionalized ferroelectric oxide nanoparticles for high energy density capacitor application”
  • PI: Smt. Senjuti Banerjee, PTT (Govt. Approved), Department of Botany.
    “A Cytotaxonomical study of some mangrove species in the light of interspecific hybridization”.
    Funding authority: UGC [Sanction no.: F.PSW-242/15-16 (ERO) dated 06.09.2016].

UGC funded Minor Research Projects (2015):

  • Dr. Sanjit  Kumar  Das, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce.
    Research Grant for project on “Transformation from Obscure Rural Posture to Modernized Industrial Centre and Its Impact on the Land Evictees: A Study on Durgapur, West Bengal”, University Grant Commission, 2015.
  • Rena Majumder, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics.
    “Investigation on Cosmic Ray Phenomena”, University Grant Commission, 2015.
  • PI: Dr. Anulipi Aich, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology.
    “Investigation on the trace element accumulation, tolerance, adaptation strategies and prospection of phytoremediators plant species growing in east Calcutta Wetland ecosystem (A Ramsar Site; no 1208)”;
    Funding authority: UGCDAE consortium for scientific Research [Sanction no.: UGC-DAE-CSR-KC/CRS/15/IOP/15/0685 dated 12.10.2015].
  • PI: Dr. Ushri Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany.
    “RAPD & Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Study in Gilled Mushrooms in West Bengal”.
    Funding authority: UGC [Sanction no.: F.PSW-o56/14-15 (ERO) dated 03.02.2015].


  • PI: Debabrata Bhadra, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics.
    Research Grant of Rs. 4,15,000 for project on “Designing of ferroelectric polymer nanocomposites containing surface functionalized ferroelectric oxide nanoparticles for high energy density capacitor application” UGC, 2016-17
  • PI: Senjuti Banerjee, PTT (Govt. Approved), Department of Botany.
    Research Grant of Rs. 2,65,000 for project on “A Cytotaxonomical study of some mangrove species in the light of interspecific hybridization”. 2016-18
    Funding authority: UGC [Sanction no.: F.PSW-242/15-16 (ERO) 2016-18].
  • PI Dr. Shyamali Dewan, Assistant Professor in Mathematics
    Research Grant of Rs. 1,15,000 for project on “Investigation on Normality Criteria of family of Meromorphic Functions”. Funding authority: UGC, 2016-18


  • PI Dr. Sanjit  Kumar  Das, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce.
    Research Grant of Rs. 4,00,000 for project on “Role of Self-financing in Post Graduate Courses: An Analytical Study on the Degree Colleges in West Bengal”, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), MHRD, New Delhi, 2017-2018
  • PI Dr. Avijit Sarkar, Assistant Professor in Chemistry
    Research Grant of Rs. 2,25,000 for project on ‘ Studies on the Coordination Chemistry of 3d Transition Metal Complexes Supported by Multidentate Ligands’, DST, Govt. of West Bengal, 2017-19
  • PI Dr. Debabrata Bhadra Assistant Professor in Physics
    Research Grant of Rs 11,91,000 for project on Biological Waste Derived Nano-hydroxyapatite for the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Rural Polluted Water” 2018-19, WBSTBT.


  • PI Sri Krishanu Ghosh Assistant Professor in History
    4,40,000 for project on “Archival, Non archival and oral sources based compilation and analysis on “Santal Pargana (Damin-i-Koh) from 1765 to 1853 before Santal Hul {East India Company in Bhagalpur-Importance of Rajmahal in governance of East India Company-Permanent Settlement-Paharia Revolt-Myth of Tilka Manjhi (Jabra Paharia) –Extension of Railways}’, Dr. Ram Dayal Munda Tribal Welfare Research Institute, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2019

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