Sri Dhananjoy Halder
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Department: Mathematics
- Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.
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- Area of Specialization: Real Analysis
Research Interest:
Measure Theory and Baire Category.
Teaching Experience:
15 years
Two best Paper award in two international conferences and one best paper award in national conference.
Professional Membership:
Life member of Calcutta Mathematical Society.> <Important Publication:
Research Paper Publications in Journal:
1. D.K. Ganguly, Dhananjoy Halder (2009) “On some properties of Midpoint sets in real line.” Journal of Mathematics, Vol. II, No. I, ISSN: 0974-388X Pages 105-110.
2. D.K. Ganguly, Dhananjoy Halder (2010) “A note on Bernstein sets” Rev. Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 18(2), ISSN:0080-0659 Pages 163 – 166.
3. Dhananjoy Halder (2014) “Some remarks on Bernstein set related to midpoint set.” Bull. Call. Math. Soc. 106(6), ISSN:0080-0659, Pages 459-462.
4. D.K. Ganguly, Dhananjoy Halder (2016) “Remarks on Projections on Planar sets.” Palestine Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 5(2), Scopus Indexed, ISSN:2219-5688, Pages 18-22.
5. D.K. Ganguly, Dhananjoy Halder (2016) “On Ratio of two sets in real line.” Journal of Classical Analysis, Vol. 9(1), Mathematical Reviews(MathSciNet), Google Scalar Indexed, ISSN:1848-5979, Pages 53-60.
6. D.K. Ganguly, Dhananjoy Halder (2017) “Some results on Porous set relating to ratio sets” Journal of Classical Analysis, Vol. 10(2), Mathematical Reviews(MathSciNet), Google Scalar Indexed, ISSN:1848-5979, Pages 171-177.
7. Dhananjoy Halder (2018) “On Bernstein sets with linear combination over the real line” Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 110(1), ISSN:0080-0659, Pages 1-4.
8. D.K. Ganguly, Dhananjoy Halder (2018) “On decomposition of the real line in terms of ratio sets” Palestine Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 7(2), Scopus Indexed, ISSN:2219-5688, page 624-627.
9. Dhananjoy Halder (2020) “Some remarks on Porous sets in terms of Midpoint sets”. Journal of Calcutta Mathematics Society, Vol. 16(1), ISSN:0080-0659, Pages 1-8.
10. Dhananjoy Halder (2020) “Some Basic Properties of descriptive Linear sets” International Journal of Mathematics Trend and Technology, Vol.66(9), ISSN: 2231-5373, Pages 192-196.
Paper Presentation & Workshop:
Three (03) in National seminar/ conference, five (05) in International seminar/Conference.