NIQ for wooden work at History Museum
Notice No.: BGC/TENDER/008/22-23 Date: 12-06-2023
Quotations for following work of Bhairab Ganguly College.
Repairing & wooden work in the Heritage, Museum of History Department
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed vendors, contractors as per work specification mentioned below. Interested vendors are requested to visit the Museum within seven days to confirm the specification.
Last date of submission of quotation: 20/06/2023 in the tender box in Principal Office.
The quotation should be formally typed and addressed:-
The Principal,
BhairabGanguly College,
Belgharia, Kolkata – 700056
Terms and conditions:
1) Sealed Quotation should be reached to The Principal Office, Bhairab Ganguly College on or before 20/06/2023 by 3 PM.
2) The work should be end up with utmost emergency.
3) The authority reserve the right to cancel any or all the quotation without assigning any reasons thereof.
Sd/-(S. Som)