Trial Sports Sem –I, III & V [2021-2022]
Date: 01/01/2022
All students of Semester –I, III & V (B.A/B.Sc./B.Com) of 2021-2022 are hereby requested to contact following students for trailing of participation in University TABLE TENNIS & CRICKET (University selection trial). Two boys and two girls will be able to perticipate in the Table tennis and ten boys for Cricket event of the University Selection trial. If more than a certain number of boys and girls want to participate then the selection trial will be held according to the following schedule.
- College team selection trail for Table Tennis (Men & Women) on 03/01/2021(11:00am)
- College team selection trial for Cricket (Men) on 04/01/2021 (11:00am)
Contact : Subham Nandi – 9007838650 / Debojit Dey – 8240736401
R. Islam
Sports In-charge