Students of SEM-II and SEM-IV for concession
[Notice: -2095 Date:-14.02.2020]
The students of SEM II and SEM IV willing to avail concession (for tuition fees) are directed to submit filled up application form with all documents to Sri Sanjay Kharwar by 20th February 2020. Provisional list of candidates will be notified by 22nd February 2020.
Application forms will be available from college web site. Click here
Criteria for availing concession:
a) Percentage of attendance (Minimum 60% )
b) Document of family income
c) Consistent good result (WBSU exam)
d) Undertaking stating no scholarship/stipend being availed
Date of issuing application form: 14.02.2020
Date of receiving application form: 20.02.2020
Date of Hearing: 21.02.2020 (at 12 noon Room No 212)
Documents to be attached with form:
a) Photocopy of Mark sheet of WBSU
b) Photocopy of last money receipt of tuition fees
c) Original monthly income certificate of the parent