Students both regular & casual for marksheet
[Notice No.:-1628 Date:-14-08-2018]
Notice No.:- 1628 Date:-14-08-2018
Students both regular & casual, who have not yet collect the marksheet of B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (Hons. & Gen.)Examination, 2018 are requested to collect the same on 17-08-18 & 18-08-18 between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. by producing Admit Card of the said examination.
Note:- Students please note that 17-08-18 & 18-08-18 are the final dates for distribution the marksheet of Part-II Examination.
Students, who have appeared at Part-II Examination, 2018 as casual candidate, are requested to collect the updated Marksheet of Part-III Examination, 2018 on 17-08-18 & 18-08-18 between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. by producing Admit Card of the said examination.
Note:- Students please note that 17-08-18 & 18-08-18 are the final dates for distribution the marksheet of Part-III Examination.
(Dr. S.K. Das)