Dr. Rozy Lasker
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Department: Commerce
- Qualification: M.Com.,ICSI (Executive Programme), Ph.D.
- Contact No:
- Email: rozylasker@gmail.com and. rlasker@bhairabgangulycollege.ac.in
- Area of Specialization: Corporate Laws and Financial System.
Research Interest:
Corporate Governance
Teaching Experience:
4 Year 5 Months.
Professional Membership:
Life Member of INSPIRA RESEARCH ASSOCIATION(IRA).> <Important Publication:
1. Rozy Lasker, Amit Majumder (2019)”Gender Diversity in Bordroom and Different Commitees: A Study with Reference to BSE SENSEX 30 Companies”, International Journal on Recent Trends in Business ad Tourism (IJRTBT), Vol. 3(3),July,2019, ISSN: 2550-1526.
2. Rozy Lasker, Amit Majumder (2020)”The Intention Beyond Legal Compulsion of Indian Companies towards CSR: A Quantitative Study in The Light of Companies Act,2013, Jounnal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship (JMME), Vol.10 No.03,July,2020,COSMOS Indexed, ISSN:2231-167X, pp. 216-223.
3. Book Chapter- Rozy Lasker, Amit Majumder(2021)”Gender Diversity in Boardroom of Indian companies: A study with the reflection of tokenism, glass ceiling and family affiliation”,Gender Equality in a Modern Perspective: Moving beyond Diversity, Apple Academic Press Co-publishing with CRC Press,Taylor & Francis Group -forthcoming.
Conference Publication:
International Conference Research Paper
1. “An Study on the Corporate Governance Reforms in India”, International Conference on ‘Financial sector’:Issues, Challenges & Strategies, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, 18th March, 2018.
2. ”Gender Diversity in Bordroom and Different Commitees: A Study with Reference to BSE SENSEX 30 Companies”,Two Day International Conference ‘Society and Business I New Millennium’, ICFAI Business School, Kolkata and Lincoln University College, Malaysia, 12th ad 13th April,2019.
3. “The true intention beyond legal compulsion of Indian companies towards CSR: A quantitative study in the light of Companies Act, 2013”, One Day International Webinar on Strategies for Revival of Indian Business in the Post-pandemic Economic Scenario,Indian Accounting Association South Bengal Branch, 23rd May, 2020.
National Conference Research Paper
1. “Gender Diversity in Boardroom:A Study with Reference to BSE SENSEX 30 Companies”,38th National Level Annual Conference of Bengal Economic Association, 17th and 18th February, 2018.
2. “An Introspective Study on the Board Diversity in the S&P BSE SENSEX Companies in the Light of the Recent Corporate Sector Reforms in India”, National Conference on Integrated Financial Sector Reforms in India, Indian Accounting Association,South Bengal Branch and Directorate of Advance Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, 24th February,2018.
3. “Gender Diversity in Different Mandatory and Non-mandatory Board Committees:A Study with Reference to S&P BSE SENSEX 30 Companies”,National Seminar on Development in Commerce, Management and Economics In The Present Milieu of VUCA, The Bhawanipur Education Society College and EIRC,The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India., 27th May,2019.
4. “Impact of the Companies Act,2013 on the Actual Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility:A Study with Reference to S&P BSE SENSEX 30 Companies”,One Day National Seminar on ‘Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Economics’, Indian Council of Social Science Research-Eastern Regional Centre (ICSSR-ERC) and T.H.K. Jain College, Kolkata, 11th January,2020.