Mintu Halder
- Designation: Librarian
- Department: Library
- Qualification: M.Com., MLIS., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Pursuing)
- Contact No: 9432207630
- Email: &
- Area of Specialization: Community Information Service; Library Management; ICT Application in Libraries; Information Sources, System and Services.
Research Interest:
- Public Library System in India with Special Reference of West Bengal.
Teaching Experience:
More than 10 years
- Best Paper Awarded by WBCLA in College Libraries Journal for the paper Information Resources and Services of the Public Libraries Under Kamarhati Municipality in North 24 Parganas : A Study in Vol. No. 29 Issue no. I-II Page NO-36-50.
- Academic Achievement Award for best API score (Academic Performance Indicator) by Bhairab Ganguly College for the year 2010-11, 2013-14, 2015-16 & 2016-17.
Professional Membership:
Life time member of Indian Library Association (ILA) & Life time member of West Bengal College Librarian Association (WBCLA),> <Important Publication:
Research Paper Publication in Journal:
1.Halder, M.&Mridha S. (2012). “Prafullachandrer Jibane grantha O Granthagar”. Calcutta University Journal of Information studies, 14 (i), ISSN 0973-5771, p.89-92.
2. Mridha S. &Halder, M. (2012). “Gananeshi Prafullya Chandra O Pathagar” . Calcutta University Journal of Information studies, 14 (i) , ISSN 0973-5771, p.85-88.
3. Halder, M.& Chatterjee, S. (2013). “Reprographic Right on Copyrighted Materials : In the Light of Fair Use”. Proceedings of the National Conference on Reprographic rights and copyright Act: Challenges and Management (NCRRCA) , ISBN 978-81-927468-0-7, p.279-291
4. Mridha, S &Halder, M. (2013). “Effect of Copyright for Providing Library Services in Academic Institutions: An Overview” .Proceedings of the National Conference on Reprographic rights and copyright Act: Challenges and Management (NCRRCA), ISBN 978-81-927468-0-7, p.169-178.
5. Halder, M. (2013). “Archiving Digital Resources: Commitment to Descendant” .Advance in Library and Information Science”, 2 (ii) , ISSN 2231-2846, p.37-44.
6. Halder, M. (2013). “Automation in Bhairab Ganguly College Library: A case Study”. UGC –Academic Staff College, University of Calcutta, ISBN 978-81-9253-132-8, p.118-129.
7. Halder, M. (2013). “Awareness and Use of e-resources through N-LIST Programme by the Academic Community Member of Bhairab Ganguly College”. College Libraries (An English Quarterly) Journal , 28 (i-iv), ISSN 0972-1975, p.36-50.
8. Halder, M. (2014). “Information Resources and Services of the Public Libraries under Kamarhati Municipality in North 24 Parganas: A Study”. College Libraries (An English Quarterly) Journal , 29 (i-ii) ISSN 0972-1975, p.141-147.
9. Halder, M.& Chatterjee, S. (2015). “ Requirements of Skill and Competencies of the Future Generation LIS Professionals in Technology-Oriented Environment”. zenith international journal of multidisciplinary research Journal , 5 (iii) , ISSN 0972-1975. (online issn: 2231-5780), p.141-147.
10. Halder, M.& Mridha, S & Chatterjee, S. (2015). “The Job Market of the LIS Professional: a case Study”. LIS Career at the Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities, ISBN 978-81-925313-8-0, p.35-50.
11. Halder, M. (2015). “Use of Social Networking Sites by the Post Graduate Students of Bhairb Ganguly College, Kolkata, West Bengal: A Study”. College Libraries (An English Quarterly) Journal , 30 (i-ii) , ISSN 0972-1975, p.86-96.
12. Halder, M. (2016). “New Dimensions of Library Automation in Academic Institutions in India: Exploration, Challenges and Development” . Nation and Development: Colonial and Post Colonial India , ISBN 978-93-84108-29-8, p.224-238
13. Halder, M. (2015). “Copyright Issues in Academic Libraries: An Overview”. Library Progress (International) Journal , 36 (i) , ISSN 0970-1052, p.57-69. 10.5958/2320-317X.2016.00005.2
14.Halder, M.& Maity, A. (2014). “Resource Organization and Services of the District Libraries under Presidency Division in West Bengal: A Study”. Calcutta University Journal of Information Studies (CUJIS), vol.XVI , ISSN 0973 5771, p.84-96.
15. Halder, M. (2016). “Resources and Services of Government Polytechnic College libraries in Kolkata, West Bengal: A Comparative Study”. College Libraries (An English Quarterly) Journal, 31 (iii-iv) , ISSN 0972-1975, p.43-54.
16. Halder, M. (2017). “Awareness and Use of Electronic Resources by the Post Graduate Students of West Bengal State University, West Bengal: A Study”. Library Progress (International) Journal, 37( i), ISSN 0970-1052. p.94-101.10.5958/2320-317X.2017.00010.1
17. Halder, M. (2017). “Open Access Scholarly Publishing in Chemistry: A Critical Study of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)” .College Libraries (An English Quarterly) Journal, 32 (i-ii), ISSN 0972-1975, p.51-58.
18. Halder, M. (2017). “User Education Programme in Academic Libraries: An Overview” . Shimurali Satchitananda College of Education, ISBN 978-81-922902-9-4, p.449-454.
19. Halder, M. (2020). “ A Study on the Newspaper Reading Habits of Post Graduate Students in West Bengal State University, Barasat-700126, West Bengal ”. College Libraries (An English Quarterly) Journal, 35 (iii) , ISSN 0972-1975, p.77-90.
Conference Presentations:
1. "Open Source Software in Library: A Cost Effective Way’ National seminar on Implementation of ICT in Libraries and Information Centres, Department of Library and Information Science. University of North Bengal , 2nd February, 2011.
2. ‘Improving Access to Library Resources: The User Attitude toward Innovative Services’ UGC Sponsored National seminar on Users’ Attitude in The Changing World: Teachers’ Role, Satyapriya Roy College of Education, 21st and 22nd January, 2012.
3. ‘Prafullachandrer Jibane Grantha O Granthagar’ Seminar on Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray o Granthagar, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta, 22nd September,2012.
4. ‘Reprographic Right on Copyrighted Materials : In the Light of Fair Use’ National Conference on Reprographic Rights and Copyright act: Challenges and management, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 7-8 March, 2013.
5. ‘Information Service Related Job Market in the Changing Paradigm’ UGC Sponsored National seminar on Professionalism in Librarianship: Issues and Challenges in 21st Century, Department of Library and Information Science, Vidyasagar University ,7-8 March, 2013.
6. ‘Problem Faced by College Libraries to Run Day to Day Activities’ UGC Sponsored Two-Day State Level Seminar on “ Problems and Prospects of College Libraries of West Bengal”, Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya, 26-27th August, 2013.
7. "Development of LIS Education in SAARC Countries with Emphasis on India :Problems and Suggestions’ UGC Sponsored Two-day National seminar on “LIS Education:Structure, Infrastructure and Superstructure”, Department of Library and Information Science, Vidyasagar University , 20-21st February, 2014.
8. ‘Knowledge Management in Libraries: An Overview’ National Seminar on Recent Trends in Information and knowledge management, Department of Library and Information Science. University of North Bengal , 27-28th February, 2014.
9. ‘Organization of Resources and Services of the district libraries under Presidency Division in West Bengal : A Study’ UGC Sponsored Two-day National seminar on “National Mission on Libraries: Disseminating Knowledge for the Developmening Societies”, Department of Library and Information Science, Vidyasagar University, 12-13 March, 2015.
10. ‘Impact of Public Libraries in India in view of Social and Service Perspective’ National Seminar on Rebooting Public Libraries for 21st Century to Recreate the Future, Department of Library and Information Science, Calcutta University, 3rd and 4th March, 2016.
11. ‘Application of Information and Communication Technology….: A Comparative Study’ National Seminar on Scope of IT in LIS Curricula, Department of Library and Information Science, Jadavpur University , 18th-19th, March 2016.
12. ‘User Education Programmes in Academic Libraries : An Overview’ National Seminar on Exertion to Establish Knowledge Society: Responsibility of Academic Libraries, Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education, Shimurali , 24th-25th, September 2016.
13. ‘Issues and Challenges faced by Library Professionals in mobile Technology Based Academic Libraries’ National Seminar on Issues and Challenges of Library Professionals in Digital Era, Alokesh Chandra Barua Central Library, Gauripur Assam , 20th-21st, January 2017.
14. ‘Open Access Scholarly Publishing in Chemistry: A Critical Study of Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)’ National Seminar on 33RD Annual Convention of the Society for Information Science & Conference on “Open Access: The Road to Freedom, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur , April, 7-8, 2017.
15. ‘Sodhganga Reservoir of Indian Thesis and dissertations: A Study’ State Level Seminar on Environment, Economy and Humanity: A Multi-disciplinary Research Approach, Bhairab Ganguly College, March, 21, 2018.
16. ‘Google Products for enhancing Library Services’ One Day State Level Seminar, Organized by Research Monitoring Cell, Bhairab Ganguly College, May 31st, 2019.
17. ‘Library Services in e-learning environment: its different application area’ National Seminar on Prospect of Library Services in e-Learning Ecosystem, Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, January, 16, 2021.