Dr. Sanjit Kr. Das
- Designation: Associate Professor,
- Department: Commerce
- Qualification: M. Com., Ph. D.
- Contact No:
- Email: sanjitbgc@gmail.com and skdas@bhairabgangulycollege.ac.in
- Area of Specialization: Accountancy
Research Interest:
Teaching Experience:
24 years
Professional Membership:
Life member Indian Accounting Association (South Bengal Branch), Bengal Economy association.> <Important Publication:
Research paper Publication in Journal:
1. Das, S K (2010) ‘Industrialization and Displacement: A study on Haldia’ Business Perspective, Journal of the Department of Commerce, Kalyani University, (ISSN 0975 0746), Vol. 2, 47-59
2. Dhar, P & Das, S K (2010) ‘The Role of Micro-Finance in the Economic scenario of West Bengal’ COMSOMATH (ISSN 0972-2971), Kolkata, Vol. 12, 50-58
3. Dhar, P & Das, S K (2010) ‘A Critical Evaluation of Special Economic Zones in India’ International Journal of Information and Computer Science (ISSN 0972-1347), Kolkata,Vol.13, 34-45
4. Das, S K (2010) ‘Expansion of Micro-financing through Swarnajayanti Gram SwarojgarYojana: Experience in West Bengal’, Economic Affairs, (ISSN 0424 2513), Vol. 55, New Delhi, 180-185
5. Das, S K (2010) ‘India’s Talent Supply and Rejuvenating Higher Education through Private Sector Investment’ Infrastructure: The Key To development, (ISBN 0230-33214-5), Macmillan, 2010, 430-442
6. Das, S K & I. Chakraborty (2011) ‘Global Economic Recession and Its impact on Industry and Employment in India’ Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce, Medinipur(ISSN0973-5917), Vol. 15, 63-73
7. Das, S K & Bose D (2011) ‘How Subordinate Staffs Construe Key ‘Complexity Events’ Around A PPP Project Running At PurbaMedinipur District Of West Bengal? An Interpretive Study’Business Spectrum(ISSN 2249 4804), Vol. 2, 27-34
8. Das S K (2011) ‘Relevance of Kautilya’s Message on Consultation in Corporate World’ Business Application and Management Issues(ISBN: 978-81-923034-6-8), 269-274
9. Das S K (2012) ‘Self-financing Scheme in Post-Graduate Courses of Government-Sponsored College: A Case Study’ EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies(ISSN 2249-8834), Vol. 2, Issue 1, 94-102
10. Roy A & Das S K (2012) ‘Assessment of Impact of Advertising Campaign of Vodafone on the Viewers’, ZENETH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (ISSN 2231-5780), Vol. 2, Issue 1, 148-160
11. Das S K &Mahapatra D (2012) ‘Social Inclusion: Parameter for Success of Financial Inclusion’ Microfinance and Financial Inclusion in Developing Economics(ISBN 819230348-9), 218-228
12. Das S K &Mahapatra D (2012) ‘Business Ethics and Society: An Insight to Arthasastra’ International Journal of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Research, (ISSN 2277 3630), Vol. I, No. 4, 14-18
13. Mahapatra D & Das S K (2012) ‘Importance to Maintain a Level of Secrecy in Corporate Sector in the Background of Arthasastra’ Excel International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies, (ISSN 2249-8834), Vol-2 Issue-5, 29-36
14. Das S K (2012) ‘Infrastructure and Financing: A Case of Arthashastra’, Inclusive Financial Infrastructure, (ISBN 978-81-924302-0-1),Bllomsbury Publishing House, 206-216
15. Das S K (2012) ‘Commercial Prospects of Floriculture: A Study on PurbaMedinipur District’, Business Spectrum(ISSN 2249 4804), Vol. II No. II, 44-55
16. Bharati P & Das S K (2013)‘Contemporary Corporate Governance: In the Eye of Kautilya’, Business Spectrum(ISSN 2249 4804), 17-25
17. Das S K (2013) ‘Corporate Vision of Kautilya in Arthashastra’, Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce, Medinipur(ISSN0973-5917), Vol. 17, 217-229
18. Das S K (2013) ‘Ethics in Business: An Insight into Arthashastra’ IBSA Journal of Business Studies (ISSN 2250-1924), Vol.1 No. 1&2, 82-86
19. Das S K (2013) ‘Impact of Industrialization on the Well Being of the Rehabilitants: An Empirical Study’ Business Spectrum(ISSN 2249 4804), Vol. III No. I, 55-64
20. Das S K (2013) ‘A Study on the Changing Pattern of Family Structure Due to Industrialization’, International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research (ISSN 2277 3630), Vol. 2 (11).
21. Das S K (2013) ‘Corporate Secrecy: In The Eye of Kautilya’, International Journal of Management Research And Review (ISSN 2249-7169), Vol 3, Issue 11, 3777-3784
22. Das S K (2013) ‘Land Acquisition in West Bengal: Some Issues’, International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (ISSN 2249-5894), Vol 3, Issue 12, 487-499
23. Das S K (2014) ‘Role of Leader in Corporate Sector: An Insight to Arthashastra’, International Journal of Physical and Social Science (ISSN 2249 5894), Vol. 4, Issue 6, 303-312
24. Das S K (2014) ‘Some Trade Practices in Arthasastra’, ‘Puspitagra’ A Collection of Essays on Indology, Editor, Prof. Didhiti Biswas, Calcutta University, (ISBN: 978-93-83368-89-1), 165-172
25. Das S K, Pyne T (2016) “Industrialization And Occupational Health Hazards:A Case Study On Haldia, West Bengal” ‘International Journal Of Social Sciences And Interdisciplinary Research’ (ISSN 2277-3630), Vol. 5 Issue 5, May 2016.
26. Das S K (2018) ‘Corporate Secrecy: In The Eye of Kautilya’, Education, Research & Analysis (ISSN 2348-571X), Vol 5, Issue 1.5, April 18 UGC Listed No.- 64674
27. Das S K (2018) “Ethics in Business: A Study From Arthashastra” VSRD International Journal of Accounts, Economics and Commerce Research (ISSN 2455 4251), Vol. IV Issue III May, 2018,
28. Das S K (2018) “Status of Self-financing Courses in West Bengal” International Journal of Integrated Research and Development(ISSN 2278-8670), UGC Listed No.-448, Issue-13 Vol-I, July 18, 145-167
29. Das S K (2019) ‘Relevance of Accounting Practices of Arthashastra in Today’s Business World’, Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary (e-ISSN 2455-3085), Vol 4, Issue 6, June 19 UGC Listed No.- 44945
30. Das S K (2019) “Impact of Socio-economic and Technological Factors on India’s Economic Growth during Post-liberalization Periods” International Journal of Integrated Research and Development(ISSN 2278-8670), UGC Listed No.41601, Vol-I, Issue-15, June, 2019
31. Das S K (2019) “Keys to Get Success in Leading Today’s Corporate Sector: Guidelines from Arthashastra” International Journal of Integrated Research and Development(ISSN 2278-8670), UGC Listed No.41601, Vol-II, Issue-16, December, 2019
Conference Presentation:
Selected Presentations (International Level)
1. ‘Recent Economic Crisis and its impact on Emerging Economies’, International Conference on Indian Financial System and the Global Scenario, Vidyasagar University, Medinipur, 10th – 11th March 2010.
2. ‘India’s Talent Supply and Rejuvenating Higher Education through Private Sector Investment’ International Conference on Infrastructure Finance, ICIF, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 03-05th June, 2010
3. ‘Infrastructure and Financing: A Case of Arthashastra’ International Conference on Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance, ICFIF, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 28-30th December, 2011
4. ‘Relevance of Kautilya’s Message on Consultation in Corporate World’ International Conference on Business Application and Management Issues, Dr. B.C.Roy Engineering College, Durgapur,10-11th January, 2012
5. ‘Importance to Maintain a Level of Secrecy in Corporate Sector in the Background of Arthasastra’ International Conference on Business Management Issues, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, 03-04th January, 2012
6. ‘Social Inclusion: Parameter for Success of Financial Inclusion’ UGC Sponsored International Conference on Financial Inclusion & Microfinance in Developing Economics, Vidyasagar University, Medinipur, 15-16th February, 2012
7. ‘Role of Leader in Corporate Venture in the Background of Arthasastra’ International Conference on Contemporary Innovative Practice in Management, Pacific University, Udaipur, April 13& 14, 2012
8. ‘An Overview of Liability Insurance in Indian Context’, International Seminar on General Insurance: Emerging Issues, University of Calcutta, 2nd March, 2013
9. ‘Trends and Developments of Inequality-A Cross Country Analysis’ International Seminar on Changing Paradigms in Commerce and Economics, Jhargram College, 7th March, 2020
Selected Presentations (National Level)
1. ‘Issue of Public Purpose: Land Acquisition in West Bengal’ National Seminar on Emerging Issues in the Indian Economy, RabindraBharati University, 25th – 26th March 2010.
2. ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development: Two Priority Areas for India’ National Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Centre for Management Studies, University of Burdwan, 27-28th March, 2010
3. ‘A Study on the Economic Evaluation and Prospects of Floriculture in selected Villages of PurbaMedinipur District of W.B, National Seminar, Vidyasagar University, 23rd Feb. 2011
4. ‘Ethics in Business: An Insight to Arthashastra’ National Conference, IBSA, Durgapur, 26th-27th March, 2011
5. ‘Secrecy in Consultation: A Case of Arthasastra’ National Seminar, Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Chandigarh, 6th February, 2012
6. ‘Business Ethics and Society: A Lesson From Arthasastra’ National Conference, International Business Studies Academia, Durgapur, 25-26thFebruary, 2012
7. ‘Contemporary Corporate Governance: In the Eye of Kautilya’ National Conference on Empirical Studies in Corporate Finance’, Vidyasagar University, 28th February, 2013
8. ‘Industrialization in Haldia and its impact on the People of the Locality’ National Conference, Indian Accounting Association, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Kolkata, 29th March, 2014.
Selected Presentations (State Level)
1. Issue of Public Purpose: Land Acquisition in West Bengal’ National Seminar on Emerging Issues in the Indian Economy, Rabindra Bharati University, 25th – 26th March 2010
Research Projects:
1. Research Grant of Rs. 70,000 for project on ‘Socio-economic impact of industrialization on its rehabilitants’, University Grant Commission, November, 2004, Project report submitted on November, 2006
2. Research Grant of Rs. 1,24,000for project on ‘Economic Evaluation and Prospects of Floriculture” A Study on the Purba-Medinipur District of West Bengal’, University Grant Commission, 2010, Final Project Report submitted on November, 2012
3. Research Grant of Rs. 2,18,225 for project on ‘Assessment of Impact of Industrialization on the Rehabilitants of Haldia and Formulation of Future Rehabilitation Strategy, Indian Council of Social Science Research(ICSSR), MHRD, New Delhi, 2011, Final Report submitted on October, 2012
4. Research Grant of Rs. 2,24,000 for project on ‘Transformation from Obscure Rural Posture to Modernized Industrial Centre and Its Impact on the Land Evictees: A Study on Durgapur, West Bengal”, University Grant Commission, Final Report submitted on 19.01.2016
5. Research Grant of Rs. 4,00,000 for project on “Role of Self-financing in Post Graduate Courses: An Analytical Study on the Degree Colleges in West Bengal”, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), MHRD, New Delhi, Final Report submitted on 14.12.2017
Special Achievements:
- Resource Person at State Level Seminar on ‘Dharmashastra and Arthashastra- A Review’, Department of Sanskrit, Calcutta University, Kolkata, 23rd March 2011