Dr. Manisha Sarkar
- Designation: Associate Professor
- Department: English
- Qualification: M.A., M. Phil, Ph. D.
- Contact No:
- Email: manisha.sarkar.basu@gmail.com / msarkar@bhairabgangulycollege.ac.in
- Area of Specialization: Postcolonial Literature
Research Interest:
Postcolonial studies, Caribbean Literature and Cultural Studies
Teaching Experience:
UG-18years, PG-14years
Professional Membership:
1. Member of Shakespeare Society of Eastern India 2. Member of CLAI (Comparative Literature Association of India)> <Important Publication:
Research Paper Publications in Journal:
1. Sarkar, M. (2014):Social Marginality, Cultural Hybridity and Politics of Identity: Reading Naipaul’s The Mimic Men and The Mystic Masseur.International Journal of Humanities and social Science Vol. 4, No. 13, 162-171. ISSN: 2220-8488.
2. Sarkar, M. (2017):George Lamming’s The Pleasures of Exile: A Caribbean appropriation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Theatre International, Vol. IX. 28-37.ISSN: 2278-2036TI.
3. Sarkar, M. (2017): Tragic Sagas of the Partition of Bengal: RitwikGhatak’s films as Discourses of Dislocation and Relocation. International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences Vol.VI, No. IX, 17-27. ISSN: 2347-4777.
4. Sarkar, M. (2018):Negotiating ‘Sexual Politics’: Reframing Gender Ideologies through the Rites of Marriage in Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi. Theatre International Vol. XI, ISSN: 2278-2036TI.
5. Sarkar, M. (2018):The Poetics of Derek Walcott: An Iconographic Mapping ofthe New World. International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences. Vol. III, No. XI, 17-29. ISSN: 2347-4777.
6. Sarkar, M. (2018):Naipaul’s Enigmatic Women Figures: Matriarchs and Yet Marginalized Ajker Jodhon (National Journal) Special Issue: Women in Texts 284-290. ISSN: 0871-5819.
Conference Presentation:
International Seminar
1. “Laughing through the Tears”: Irony and Comic- Grotesque in Grotesque in Naipaul’s Miguel Street, Comedy: From the Arts to Cultural Industry (28- 29Nov,2014, Organised by Dept. of English, National Taipei University of Technology.
2. The ‘artist’ in Marginal Spaces: An Instrument of ‘Other’ing’ in Naipaul’s Novels, Shakespeare Global Responses, Comparative Literature and Translation Studies: Theory and Praxis (24-25 Feb., 2016), Organised by Shakespeare Society of Eastern India and Tagore- Gandhi Institute of Cultural Studies and Service – Learning.
3. Mapping the Cultural space: A Study of R.K. Narayan’s The Guide Indo-English Literatures/ Comparative Literature and Translation Studies & Adaptations: Theory and Praxis/ Shakespeare: Renaissance and Modern Approaches (6-7 Aug., 2016). Organised by Shakespeare Society of Eastern India and Tagore- Gandhi Institute of Cultural Studies and Service – Learning.
4. ‘Bonobibir Pala’: A Folkloric Theatrical Performance and Tribal Cultural Practices. Performance and the Prospects of Folkloric Tribal Culture of Eastern India (20-21 March, 2018). Organised by Dept. of English, Vidyasagar University.
5. Laughing at Modernity: Charlie Chaplin’s Films and the Comic- Grotesque. Rethinking Modernity: Interdisciplin ary Perspectives (11-12th Aug, 2018). Organised by Dept. of English, Aliah University in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation.
National Seminar
1. The Cultural ‘Otherness’ of the English Language in the Caribbean Diaspora. Language, Communication and Society (19 Dec., 2014). Dept. of Philosophy, Organised by West Bengal State University
Research Projects:
Special Achievements:
1. Obtained First Class in M.A. in English from Calcutta University in 1999
2. Acquired First position in M. Phil from Calcutta University in 2002
3. Significant contribution in the curriculum designing of M.A. in English at Bhairab Ganguly College ever since the inception of the P.G. course in 2009. She has been actively involved in the continuous overhauling and modification of the curriculum.
4. Chairperson of the P.G. (English) Board of Studies at Bhairab Ganguly College (since 2014)
5. Chaired a session in a National Conference in 2011 organized by the English Department of Bhairab Ganguly College
6. Chaired a session in an International Conference in 2016 organized by the Shakespeare Society of Eastern India
7. Invited for a Seminar Lecture on “The Jacobean Age: An Overview” at East Calcutta Girls College in 2017
8. Delivered the Keynote address in a Workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by Bhairab Ganguly College
9. Visited National Taipei University of Technology to present a paper availing the ‘Travel Grant’ of University Grants Commission (UGC) in 2014
10. Editor of a Monograph entitled “Revelations” containing selected Term papers of the P.G. students of English of Bhairab Ganguly College in 2016
11. Organized a Theatre Workshop for the students of the English department on a dramatic enactment of Shakespeare’s Macbeth in the “Muktomancho” of Bhairab Ganguly College in 2016
12. Convener of Exhibition-cum Website Management in the academic session 2017-18
13. Coordinated the “Star Project” conducted by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) at Bhairab Ganguly College
14. Organized several “Educational tours” during her tenure as the In-charge of the English department