NEP Sem-III (Hons. & Genl), 2024-25
Notice date: 04-02-2025
Students of NEP Semester-III (Honours & General), 2024-25, who have not yet selected MDC through the Registration Portal, are hereby directed to do the same on 05-02-2025 and contact College Office.
Students of NEP Semester-III (Honours & General), 2024-25, who have not yet submitted verified MDC Selection Form, are also directed to submit the same on 05-02-2025 at College Office.
Time:- from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Students must bring following documents at the time of contact College Office:
i) Printout of filled-up updated registration form along with mobile phone number which is mentioned in the Registration Form and mobile phone set.
ii) H.S. Marksheet (Original)
Please click :
Sd/-S. Som