Sem-1 of 2024-2025 Online Registration
Notice Date: 27-09-2024
Students of Semester-I (B.A./B.Sc./B.Com-Honours & General) of 2024-25, who have attended on 27-09-2024 for the documents verification, are hereby directed to fill-up online Registration form under WBSU through the link mentioned below:
Please click :
Students are also directed to be present on 28-09-2024 before 11:30 a.m. at the College Auditorium Alapan along with following documents for the correction of Registration Form.
- 1.Printout of filled-up Registration Form (2 copies)
- 2. Original copy of age proof certificate /Madhyamik Admit Card
- 3. Original copy of Higher Secondary Marksheet
- 4. Original copy of Cast Certificate, if any
- 5. Original copy of Physically Challenged Certificate if any
- 6. Admission pay slip
- 7. Aadhaar Card
Sd/-S. Som, Principal