Admission cancel-Sem-I 2022
Date: 19-11-2022
Students who have already applied for admission cancel of Semester-I, 2022 through online admission portal, are requested to submit online admission cancel challan and bank details (photocopy of bank passbook / cancelled cheque) to the Account Section within 26-11-2022 between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for admission fees refund. For any funder information please contact following persons:
- Sri Biswanath Dey, Accountant : 9836708787
- Sri Swapan Sarkar : 9830444896
- Sri Deepjoy Das : 9681685383
- Sri Sarbeswar Dalai : 6291605123
Bank details information is not required of those students, who have communicated by phone on 19-11-2022 regarding refund and who have already submitted bank details (hard copy) to the College.
Sd/-S. Som