Bhairab Ganguly College

Bhairab Ganguly College

  • Reaccredited
    NAAC Grade A+
  • Affiliated to
    W.B. State Univ.
  • Govt.
  • AISHE Code

Notice Board Details

Form Fill Up for 3rd & 5th Sem

Notice No.:2266 Date:-24-12-2021

3rd and 5th Semester students of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com (Honours and General) who have not yet filled up the Examination Form or who are not able to fill up the Examination Form are hereby directed to visit the college office on 28th, 29th and 30th December, 2021 between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 3rd Semester students are further directed to bring with them their 3rd Semester admission Payslip and Registration number & 5th Semester students are directed to bring with them their 5th Semester admission payslip and Registration number. Students should strictly follow the time mentioned in the notice. The college will not be responsible for the Examination Form Fill Up if any of students fails to come on the dates mentioned in the notice.


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Google Map Feeder Road, Belghoria,
Kolkata 700056, W.B, India
Admission Helpline: 6289259609 (WhatsApp & Calling)



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