Students of Semester-I (2021-2022)
Date: 26-10-2021
Students of Semester-I of the session 2021-22, who have not yet filled-up University Registration Form, are directed to fill-up the same immediately.
Students of Semester-I, who have not yet submitted verified University Registration Form, are hereby informed that the University Registration Form verification and submission will be held on 28-10-2021 & 29-10-2021 at Room No. 212.
Time: From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Students are requested to attend the College along with necessary documents:
- Photocopy of Madhyamik Admit Card. (Three copies)
- Photocopy of Higher Secondary Marksheet. (Three copies)
- Photocopy of Cast Certificate, if any (Three copies)
- Photocopy of Physically Challenged Certificate if any (Three copies)
- Admission pay slip (One copy)
One passport size photo
Sd/- S. Som