SEM 2 (Gen) Intl. assessment of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
No. Date: 19.11.2020
This is information for all concerned of the students of SEM 2(Gen) that Internal assessment of Chemistry (both Theory and Practical) will be held on 25th November (Wednesday), 2020 at 11 am (Theory); at 1.00 pm (Practical). The assessment will be conducted virtually through Google Classroom by means of MCQ test. All the concerned students are hereby directed first to register in Google Classroom through Class code as mentioned bellow in the mean time and then appear the examination virtually by clicking the prescribe link posted on the schedule date and time. Please log on to your Classroom for further details. Remember failing to appear this exam will be assigned as ‘absent’ of University Internal Evaluation which will be reflected in the mark sheet.
Classroom Name: Chemistry (Gen) [Session 2020] SEM 2
Class Code: fhofo2a
(Dr. S. K. Das)
Vice Principal
Dr. R. Koner
In-charge, Dept. of Chemistry