Bhairab Ganguly College

Bhairab Ganguly College

  • Reaccredited
    NAAC Grade A+
  • Affiliated to
    W.B. State Univ.
  • Govt.
  • AISHE Code

Notice Board Details

LMS for 3rd & 5th Sem students

[Notice No.:-2134 Date:-12-08-2020]

All 3rd and 5th Semester students are directed to register in Bhairab Ganguly College Learning Management System at the following website:

After registration students must enroll into their respective courses. Registration and enrollment is compulsory to continue your semesters with the college.

B.A and B.Sc. (Honours) Students

Semester Honours Courses General Courses Skill Enhancement Courses
III Core course 5, 6 &7 GE3 of the second general subject that you opted for in university registration form (must be from different subject than GE course in Sem1&2) SEC 1 from your honours course
V Core course 11&12

Two Discipline Specific Elective Courses offered by your Hons. Department

None None

B.Sc. General Students

Semester Core course Skill Enhancement Courses
III Three DSC courses one from each of  your three subjects DSC3A, 3B and 3C SEC1 from departments of  any of your three subjects
V Three Discipline Specific Elective Courses, one from each of your 3 subjects DSE1A, 1B and 1C  SEC3 from departments of any of your three subjects. But not from the same department  as SEC1&2

BA General Students

Semester Core courses  Another 6 credit course Skill Enhancement Courses
III Two Core courses one from each of your two core subjects Modern Indian Language SEC1
V Two elective courses one from each of your core subject GE course from a subject other than core subjects. SEC3 from departments of  any of your three subjects. But not from the same department  as your SEC1&2 in previous semesters

 B.Com Hons. and General students

Semester Core courses  Another 6 credit course Skill Enhancement Courses
III As mentioned by the department following the guideline of WBSU Modern Indian Language —-
V As mentioned by the department following the guideline of WBSU DSC1 & DSC2 —–


                                                                                                                        (Dr. S.K. Das)






Google Map Feeder Road, Belghoria,
Kolkata 700056, W.B, India
Admission Helpline: 6289259609 (WhatsApp & Calling)



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