Bhairab Ganguly College

Bhairab Ganguly College

  • Reaccredited
    NAAC Grade A+
  • Affiliated to
    W.B. State Univ.
  • Govt.
  • AISHE Code

Notice Board Details

College notification dated 15.3.2020.

Date: 15.03.2020

In view of the notification of the West Bengal State University on 14.03.2020 to ensure safety & in the interest of the public health, all classes & internal examinations remain suspended from 16.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 to avoid gathering of students in the college campus. The coordinator of IQAC, AISHE, CPE and In-charges of all the departments are requested to communicate all the teaching & non-teaching staff for completion of all pending activities related with documentation of AQAR, NAAC, CPE and students related works during the above mentioned period. The college shall remain partially functional for administrative activities during this period and the undersigned is available on all working days to facilitate the process of completion of the pending works. In view of the earlier notified schedule of the University, the office of the college shall remain partially functional during these days.

Dr. S.K. Das ,Vice-Principal


Google Map Feeder Road, Belghoria,
Kolkata 700056, W.B, India
Admission Helpline: 6289259609 (WhatsApp & Calling)



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