One day Workshop on “Use of ICT on Learning”
for Registration ⇒ Registration closed
Bhairab Ganguly College cordially invites you to a One Day University Level Workshop
Topics : Use of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Administrative processes & Development of E-Learning Module.
Organized by IQAC, Bhairab Ganguly College
Date & Time |
Venue |
23/02/19 at 10.30a.m. |
ALAPAN(College Auditorium) |
Resource Person: Dr. Manas K. Baidya, Principal, Malda College |
ICT Workshop Outline:
1. Google Drive-15GB free cloud space for storing and easy sharing information.
2. Google sheet-for collaborative work at anywhere at any time.
3. Google classroom-for easy communication with students and sharing e-learning materials, evaluating students suitable for continuous internal assessment under CBCS.
4. Google slide-for better presentation
5. Google Docs-for collaborative work with voice type
6. Google form-Collection of various data online, preparation of online students attendance registrar, meeting book, online MCQ, AQAR preparation and more.
7. Personal website development
8. Preparation of e-Learning materials
9. E-learning module development
10. Google form advanced level
Registration Fee: Rs. 200/-