NIQ for procurement for Library
Tender Notice under RUSA 2.0 scheme/ procurement of new equipment
[NIT NO: BGC/RUSA/Neq/Libr-09/18-19 Date: 19.12.18]
Sealed quotations are invited for the supply of Library Equipment as per details and specifications mentioned below for the purchase of different equipment required . The duly sealed quotations should reach The Librarian, Bhairab Ganguly College, Belgharia, Kolkata-56 latest by December 31, 2018 upto 3:00 pm failing which the quotation will be out-rightly rejected. The cover containing quotation should be labelled as “Quotations Library Equipment”. The name of the Department for which quotations are being invited must be mentioned (in bold face) on the top of the envelope.
All vendors are required to take note of following while forwarding the quotations and must comply with the same:
The rates quoted shall be valid for a minimum period of one year from the last date of receiving the quotation/ last date fixed for the receipt of quotations.
The rates quoted shall be for free delivery and installation at BGC. The price quoted should include the cost of the unit plus accessories required for the functioning if any.
All electric equipment must affirm to standards, and work on standard voltage supplied.
User list of the quoted document may also be additionally provided for reference, especially supplies made to Colleges and Departments in University of Calcutta/WBSU.
If taxes, duties or any other charges over and above the rates quoted are leviable, actual percentage of such taxes/duties/other charges should be clearly indicated, in the absence of which, it would be presumed that all taxes are inclusive and would be calculated accordingly. No further clarification/request in this regard would be considered.
Supply is to be made by any convenient mode of transport at supplier’s risk unless otherwise specified.
The supplier should possess valid licence issued by government authority for sale of items as stated in invitation of quotation letter and copy of same must be attached.
The suppliers are requested to follow all the norms and guidelines framed by the Government of India in respect of stated items and copy of same must be attached.
The supplier should have the experience of sale of Library equipment to University of Calcutta or WBSU/educational institutes for the last three years. To this effect, customer satisfaction report for the last three years must be attached and the same must be signed by the user department.
In case the material is supplied through an authorized agent, manufacturer shall be responsible for the successful installation of the equipment. The manufacturer shall be liable to any penal action for the shortcomings of the authorized agent. Any payment that is to be made separately to the agent if any shall be clearly mentioned in the quotation.
One year warranty has to be invariably provided by the firm.
The college reserves the right to consider the quoted price separately or in a consolidated manner in respect of different items.
The Vice Principal Bhairab Ganguly College, Belgharia reserves the right to give order to any firm not necessarily to the one with lowest quotations or to accept or reject any or all the quotations either in full or in parts without assigning any reason.
If any discrepancy/concealment of facts comes into notice of college authority, the payment will be withheld.
Manufacturers/dealers blacklisted by WBSU need not apply. All are required to furnish the undertaking for the same.
TIN/TAN and GSTIN is required to be mentioned.
If the rates are accepted and order is placed, the supply will have to be completed within a fortnight or the period specified in the order letter, from the date of order.
However, if it is found that the quality of goods supplied by the firm is sub-standard or not according to the specifications or the same inspected, the Vice Principal shall have the right to order removal of goods at the firm’s own cost and risk or to withhold payment or impose suitable fine, depending upon the circumstances.
M. Halder
Librarian & Bursar
Dr. S. K. Das
Vice Principal