Students of 2nd year for provisional admission.
[Notice No.:-1663 Date:-20-09-2018]
Students of 2nd year, who have taken provisional admission by paying Rs. 850.00, are requested to take the final admission from 21-09-2018 to 30-09-2018 by paying rest amount of admission fees as per the fees structure available in the college website. Students are also informed that they have to pay the admission fees through online link : Final Admission to 2nd year, 2018.
Students, who have not yet taken provisional admission to 2nd year classes, are also requested to take final admission by paying total admission fees through online link : Final Admission to 2nd year, 2018.
- Students are also requested to contact College Cash Counter for receiving the pay slip of final admission to 2nd year classes.
(Dr. S.K. Das)