B.Sc. Zoology (Honours & General) ) Test Exam. for Semester – I students
[Notice No: – 1645 Date: 07.09.2018]
This is to notify that B.Sc. Zoology (Honours) and Zoology (General) Test Examinations for Semester – I students will be held on the following days at the Department of Zoology.
ZOOACOR01T [Honours; Paper: C1] on 13.09.2018 from 10 noon – 12 noon
ZOOACOR02T [Honours; Paper: C2] on 11.09.2018 from 12 noon – 2 p.m.
ZOOGCOR01T [General] on 13.09.2018 from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
The students are hereby directed to report at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination at the Zoology Department along with their ID cards (College).
The following teachers will act as examiners for the aforesaid examinations:
S. Shome
A. Aich
Triparna Chakraborty
Shri T. Bhattacharya
Dr. Sanjit K. Das
Vice – Principal
Dr. S. Shome
In-Charge, Dept. of Zoology