De-reservation of reserved seats for admission to 1st year classes
[Notice No.:-1631 Date:-16-08-2018]
This is for the information of all concerned that vide memo no. 3010-BCW/MRA-35/2018 dated 14-08-2018 of Backward Class Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal, regarding de-reservation of reserved seats for admission to 1st year classes of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons. & Gen.) for the academic year 2018-19. Students from the original merit list, after last round of admission, would be admitted strictly on merit wise for the following subjects:
- Bengali (Hons.)
- English (Hons.)
- Journalism (Hons.)
- Botany (Hons.)
- Geography (Hons.)
- Physiology (Hons.)
- Zoology (Hons.)
- B.A. (General)
All candidates will be informed through telecommunication and subsequent payment for admission fees should be made through designated Bank.
No new candidate outside the original panel shall be considered for further admission.
The entire admission process will be completed by 20th of August, 2018 as stated by the Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Bio-Technology, Govt. of West Bengal.
(Dr. S. K. Das)