Exam of Compulsory Language for 1st year students.
[Notice No.:-1397 Date:-02-01-2018]
In view of the University notification (No. WBSU/COE/UG/0483/2017 dt. 05-12-2017) the College is going to conduct examination of compulsory language papers of first year students on 15-01-2018 (Monday) & 16-01-2018 (Tuesday). Full marks of each language paper will be 50 and Pass marks will be 15. In each paper 40 questions will be multiple choice types and two questions will be of 5 marks each. All questions will be compulsory. Time table of the said examination has been given below:
(Dr. S.K. Das)
(Prof. P. Biswas)
Convener, Part-I Exam Committee