Reschedule of Viva-Voce Examination of B.Sc. Part-III Physics General Practical Exam 2017.
Date: 18/03/2017
In continuation to the notice dated on 09/03/2017 regarding Viva-Voce Examination of B.Sc. Part–III Physics General practical examination, 2017 under West Bengal State University at Bhairab Ganguly college centre is rescheduled on 27/03/2017 at at 12 noon in the physics department of the college. The eligible students are directed to be present positively on that day half an hour before the time mentioned above with their Practical Laboratory Note Books, Admit Cards, Registration Numbers, Identity Cards provided by the University and College and other related documents.
Dr. M. Ray
Dr. T Mukherjee & Dr. Debabrata Bhadra
(Internal Examiners)