Bhairab Ganguly College

Bhairab Ganguly College

  • Reaccredited
    NAAC Grade A+
  • Affiliated to
    W.B. State Univ.
  • Govt.
  • AISHE Code

Notice Board Details

Notice for candidates who had appeared at Part-I/II/III Examination in the year 2009, 2010 & 2011 and Part-I/II Examination in the year 2012 & 2013

[Notice No.:- 1015 Date:-18-11-2016]

As per notification of WBSU candidates who had appeared at Part-I/II/III Examination in the year 2009, 2010 & 2011 and at  Part-I/II Examination in the year 2012 & 2013 but failed to secure qualifying marks in two papers of one subject or one paper of two subjects are informed that they may clear their back-logs in the Special Supplementary Examination arranged by the University. In view of the above candidates with above specifications are directed to submit their photocopy of the marksheets of the said examinations to the Office by 21-11-2016 positively.

                                                                                                                                                 (Dr. M. Ray)



Google Map Feeder Road, Belghoria,
Kolkata 700056, W.B, India
Admission Helpline: 6289259609 (WhatsApp & Calling)



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