Bhairab Ganguly College

Bhairab Ganguly College

  • Reaccredited
    NAAC Grade A+
  • Affiliated to
    W.B. State Univ.
  • Govt.
  • AISHE Code

Notice Board Details

National Conference on Advancement in Frontier Physics: From 20th century to the Present

Celebrating International Year of Light 26th – 27th February 2016.


Organized  by The Department of Physics,Bhairab Ganguly College in collaboration with Department of Physics,Mrinalini Datta Mahavidyapith in association with West Bengal State University.



Recently world has celebrated International year of light and 100 years of General theory of Relativity . Beside these there are several other areas of physics, like Nano-Science, Space Science, High Energy Physics, Condensed matter Physics etc., where rapid advancements have taken place. In this conference we want to share the flavour of these scientific advancements over the last century to till date.

Poster Presentation:

A poster Session is included in the conference. Authors are requested to submit abstract (within 400 words strictly in Word format, “Times New Roman”,Title (16pt), Text (12pt), 1.5 spacing, A4 page size) by email only to, along with the completed registration form (Click here to get the Registration Form).

To get details of National-Conference-2016,Click here


Google Map Feeder Road, Belghoria,
Kolkata 700056, W.B, India
Admission Helpline: 6289259609 (WhatsApp & Calling)



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